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Snowpark Services

Snowpark Services

Build your parks efficiently and sustainably.

Contact us

Your Benefits

Cost efficiency

Cost efficiency

Use 3D models, optimize the existing terrain and train your operators to build your snowparks, slopes and cross-country trails cost efficiently.

Time efficiency

Time efficiency

Save time building and maintaining your snowparks, slopes and cross-country trails with the digital construction guidance on the machine.

Quality guaranteed

Quality guaranteed

Maintain the highest quality and safety standards by matching your build up exactly to your planned project and by training your operators.


Planning & Digitalization

We analyze your project and together with your team we develop a concept that fits exactly to you and your guests needs.

Customized concept & design process

We design every project integrating it as well as possible to the existing terrain. This guarantees sustainability and cost efficiency, reducing the production of artificial snow. Key to our unmatched precision and high standard is state of the art technology in terms of hardware and digitalization. Accurate 3D planning guarantees efficiency and quality in construction and maintenance of a snowpark throughout the entire season.

3D modelling and Simulation

By having a digital construction and maintenance guidance on the machine your groomer operators work gets simplified. Modern GNSS antennas, reference stations and advanced sensors offer the most up to date information regarding machine position, terrain model and the amount of snow. All of this can be viewed on a digital display so operators can build exactly to plan.

Data processing & machine implementation

Expert Services & Support

Consulting & optimization

Consulting & optimization

Remote & on - site support

Remote & on - site support





For us, sustainability is more than a commitment — it's part of our purpose. We focus on being environmentally and socially responsible while enhancing performance and efficiency.

Find out more

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